How Kaško cooked chocolate

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Once you arrive in the country of Haravara, one thing will surprise you. It is not only beautiful to look at, to touch, to hear, but it also smells and tastes beautiful. Everywhere there is something growing here that can be eaten or modified for eating. If you should happen to get lost in the country of Haravara, don't worry. Haravara's nature will take care of you.

One day Majka and Maxík, like almost all children in the world, got a craving for good chocolate. They wanted to go to the store, but they remembered that their mom and dad hadn't left them any money and their savings were in the piggy bank without a key. And besides, cash boxes don't open for chocolates. They sat on the floor, looking at their cash boxes and imagining the best chocolate.

"Why are you sitting there and keeping quiet?" Kaško, who had landed on the window a little while ago, suddenly said behind their backs. 

"Hi," replied the thoughtful children, "nothing happened, we just got a craving for chocolate and we don't have any money."

"I have money, but I won't buy you chocolate here," said Kaško mysteriously, still sitting on the window of the children's room.

"Why?" the children asked in surprise.

"We're going to go get it in a little town where they make it fantastic!""Is it far from here?" Maxík and Majka said.

"Is it far from here?" Maxík and Majka said.

"It's not far away, here, in our country of Haravara."

Kaško si prehľadal vrecká a vytiahol smiešny čierny klobúk cylinder.

"Cooking and eating chocolate is a serious business," Kaško replied to the children's puzzled looks, "come on!"

He took the excited children to the station, from where they took the train to the small town of Trebišov. It is the town with the longest main street in Haravara. And at one end of that road is a chocolate factory.

"There you go, there it is. Can you smell that?"

"Awesome!" exclaimed the happy children. 

They bought four candy bars, three chocolates, two collections. The aunt who was selling them smiled at them and gave them a bar of dark chocolate as a gift.

"This is real chocolate," she said as the children greedily sniffed the chocolate candy.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute," Kaško mused, "you don't just eat chocolate on a walk. I'll show you the beautiful place where my friend Andy used to live."


"Well, his name was Andrássy, but who would pronounce such a long name? He lived in a beautiful mansion, not far from here. We'll have chocolate there."

When they arrived at the mansion, Kaško discovered that there was a museum inside and that chocolates are not consumed in the museum. They looked at all the exhibits, but they still had all the chocolate.

"We'll go out this back entrance," said Kaško, "if they haven't changed it, there should be a beautiful park with a labyrinth." 

And really. When they stepped outside onto the terrace of the mansion, a beautiful park spread out before them, with shrubs clipped into the shape of a labyrinth and many beautiful trees.

"It's beautiful!" Majka exclaimed.

So, they sat on the edge of the beautiful labyrinth and started to make chocolate.

They ate everything, but the dark chocolate remained whole.

"I know why my aunt told me it was the best chocolate. Because this one can be cooked," Kaško hummed thoughtfully, speculating again.

"Cooked?" Majka and Maxík exclaimed in surprise.

"Sure. Let's make chocolate and drink it, ha!" Kaško decided.

"Awesome! But where do we cook it?"

"Hush! Is no one coming?" Kaško asked mysteriously.

"No one," the children replied in a whisper.

"Good." Kaško started searching his pockets and in one of them he found a tin cup and small crucibles of cream, the kind adults get with their coffee. 

"This has been left when I wanted to replenish my energy. I drink coffee without cream," Kaško explained his pocket find to the children. 

He put the mug down on the stone and began to mutter. The stone slowly turned red. 

"Pass me the chocolate!"

The children handed Kaško a hot chocolate. He dropped it into a tin cup, put it on a hot stone, added cream and the chocolate slowly began to melt.

"Maxík, get the cups ready!" Kaško called eagerly.

Maxík dug in his backpack and pulled out two paper travel cups and a small spoon.

He handed the spoon to Kaško so that he could stir the chocolate.

"It's coming!" 

Kaško tasted the chocolate and grinned a little.

"Something's missing," he mused.

"Mum puts spices in everything she cooks," Majka advised Kaško.

"Pepper in the chocolate?" Maxík wondered.

"Sure! I remember there was spice going in there, but I don't remember what kind. Andy and I used to make chocolate over a hundred years ago here in the park. And we saved the spices..." Kaško looked around and smiled that ghostly smile of his.

"Wait for me here!"

He ran through the beautiful park, which just smelled like sausage because bear garlic grew in it. He walked past the ditch and came to a little white tower. 

"That's where we hid it! I remember now."

He looked around to see if anyone was coming. The air was clear, so he walked through the walls into the mausoleum, and after a moment came out with small bags.

"Got it!" He showed the bags to Majka and Maxík, "they were in the mausoleum."

The children looked at him uncomprehendingly.

"The mausoleum is... it's..." Kaško searched for words, "it's the kind of tower where Andy and his family rest."

Kaško poured the spices into the chocolate, heated it up once more and poured it into the glasses.

"Come on!"

They walked to the ditch, sat on benches and watched the red fish and water lilies. They drank the best chocolate.

"Why is this ditch here?" Majka asked.

"A castle was here. A water castle. That wall over there is from it. It had such a funny name Parič. And that ditch protected it from enemies," Kaško explained.

Everyone was chowing down on the best chocolate in the world, which smelled like turkey, in a beautiful park that smelled like sausage. 

They started laughing about it. So, they sat there and laughed until the evening, when they had to go back home.

On the way, Majka asked Kaško:

"I'd like to take Mom and Dad here, but I don't know what they'd do if they don't drink chocolate."

Kaško thought for a moment.

"There's the Big Thorn not far from here. It's such a village and the best grapes grow all around. And it makes excellent wine and various other drinks. There are stone passages and cellars hidden in every hill that you can enter, and you'll be welcomed there."

"My parents would like that," Majka was pleased.

"Next time we'll take mom and dad, too," the children planned and slowly fell asleep.

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The translations of the website into Polish, English, and Hungarian language were implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Slovak Republic.